Employees at TensTech, Inc. are chemical professionals who have mastered the art of creative chemistry and material science. Their desire is to design, synthesize, develop, and commercialize chemical and material technologies that can the impact the world in a positive way. They understand how to work with technical partners, to establish efficient joint research programs, to identify promising new technologies, to carry new technology forward through an early-stage manufacturing process and to then support the transfer of technology to a commercial producer.
The Chemical Industry has largely abandoned new technology research in favor of short-term development programs focused on incremental product improvements and enhanced manufacturing processes. At TensTech, we believe that the future of chemical and material science research lies with small, innovative companies that can carry out focused research and development programs in an efficient manner. We have demonstrated that new promising technologies can emerge from the efforts of such a small, innovation-based company, working in concert with larger, production focused company, and that this approach can provide the basis for the development of promising new chemical and material technologies.
TensTech, Inc. is committed to a working environment based on open innovation and productive engagement. This has provided the basis for rapid and efficient technology development. We provide the rare combination of committed researchers that are dedicated to their technical art, together with a business structure that allows newly developed technologies to rapidly move through the research stage and then into the development and early commercialization phases. It is in this context, that new and dynamic products can emerge from the laboratory and move into significant commercial applications.